Exciting News! Cinema Parallels Festival dates confirmed: September 6-9

It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing.

Get ready for a cinematic experience like no other! We’re thrilled to announce that Cinema Parallels Festival is all set to take place from September 6th to 9th at the Gradsko Pozorište Jazavac theater in Banja Luka.

Mark your calendars as we dive into four days of films, master classes, panels, and a vibrant presence in the city’s realm of independent cinema. Prepare to be captivated by an array of carefully selected films that will intrigue, entertain, and inspire.

As part of this exciting event, we’ll be joined by esteemed directors and producers, bringing the world of authentic cinema right to your doorstep. This is your chance to engage with the creative minds behind the films you love.

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